Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paper Accepted in International Conference on Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development, 2009.

I along with Mr. Surendra Sedhai and Mr. Suresh Raj Bhattarai of Asian Institute of Technology have written a paper entitled "Sustainable Telecenter in Nepal For Socio Economic Development through Knowledge Management". The main theme of this paper is to apply the sustainability model along with knowlege management model in telecenters of Nepal. It is expected that this model will help to enhance the socio economic development of the people. This paper was accepted on October 31,2009. The International Conference in Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development is jointly organized by Asian Institute of Technology and AITAA Nepal chapter. This conference will be held on December 10-12,Kathmandu.


Shanti said...

Wao sir, thats great. Im so happy to hear that ur paper is accepted. Good luck to you.

Kumar Pudashine said...

Thank you very much..!!